Reading Support and Homework Grade 6 Answers Science Lesson 2 What Are Mixtures


Students are introduced to the distinctive properties of mixtures and solutions. A grade demonstration led past the teachers gives students the opportunity to compare and contrast the physical characteristics of a few simple mixtures and solutions. They hash out the separation of mixtures and solutions back into their original components as well as different engineering applications of mixtures and solutions.

This engineering curriculum aligns to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

Engineering Connectedness

Engineers use their knowledge of mixtures and solutions when designing new synthetic materials. This is particularly the case in the biomedical field, where engineers take to deal with compatibility bug when placing materials made outside the human being torso into the trunk. Engineers too design ways to assistance separate mixtures and solutions in industrial, commercial and environmental processes.

Learning Objectives

Later this lesson, the students should be able to:

  • Compare and contrast mixtures and solutions.
  • Discuss methods for separating mixtures and solutions into their original components.
  • Describe several technology applications for mixtures and solutions.

Educational Standards

Each TeachEngineering lesson or action is correlated to one or more G-12 science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards.

All 100,000+ M-12 STEM standards covered in TeachEngineering are nerveless, maintained and packaged by the Achievement Standards Network (ASN), a project of D2L (

In the ASN, standards are hierarchically structured: commencement past source; e.g., by state; within source by type; e.g., scientific discipline or mathematics; within blazon past subtype, then by grade, etc.

NGSS: Next Generation Science Standards - Science
NGSS Functioning Expectation

v-PS1-4. Comport an investigation to determine whether the mixing of two or more substances results in new substances. (Grade v)

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This lesson focuses on the following Three Dimensional Learning aspects of NGSS:
Science & Technology Practices Disciplinary Cadre Ideas Crosscutting Concepts
Use models to describe phenomena.

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When two or more unlike substances are mixed, a new substance with different backdrop may be formed.

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Matter is transported into, out of, and within systems.

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Colorado - Science
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What is the divergence between a solution and a mixture? Well, take you ever made chocolate milk? Have you ever noticed what happens if you lot let your chocolate milk sit down for a while? Well, sometimes the chocolate volition settle on the bottom of the glass. This is because it is a mixture. Mixtures are any combination of two or more than items. Sometimes the two or more ingredients expect however when mixed together and sometimes they do not.

Have you lot ever fabricated a potable with water and a pulverisation? How almost lemonade from a mix? This is an example of a solution. What does the powdered drink expect like after you stir it in water? Is information technology all the same color and consistency? Information technology probably is, and that is one characteristic of a solution — that it is homogeneous (or that it is uniform throughout). What other solutions have you made? (Solicit answers similar: salt water, mud pies, bubbles, etc.) Solutions are types of mixtures, but mixtures tin also be heterogeneous, where you lot can see the unlike ingredients separated out. Refer to the associated activity Messin' with Mixtures for students to farther their understanding by investigating a heterogeneous mixture as environmental engineers analyzing a soil sample, using trail mix.

Teacher sit-in: Set three glasses of water.

  1. Add together pebbles of sand to the first glass. Stir the h2o. Enquire students whether this is a mixture or a solution. (Reply: It is a mixture because the sand and the water stay separate. The sand does not disappear in the water.)
  2. Add together a teaspoon of common salt to the 2d drinking glass. Stir the water until the salt disappears. Ask students if this is a mixture or a solution. (Answer: Information technology is a solution because the table salt dissolves, or disappears, in the liquid.)
  3. Inquire students if two liquids volition form a mixture or a solution. Then add some vegetable oil to the third drinking glass and stir. Ask students if the glass contains a mixture or a solution. (Answer: The oil and h2o course a mixture because they exercise not mix. The oil does non disappear or dissolve.)

Can you split up mixtures and solutions back into their original components? Yes you can! Sometimes yous can divide out the parts of a mixture using something as easy as a filter or screen. Yous cannot use a filter or a screen to divide out the parts of a solution. Therefore, some other way to separate mixtures and solutions is to use the three phases of affair: solids, liquids and gases. Who remembers what the solid phase of water is? (Answer: ice) How about the liquid phase? (Answer: water) The gas phase? (Respond: steam) As you rut up a solid, information technology will eventually turn into a liquid, and and so into a gas. Most solids at room temperature (25oC) demand an incredible amount of heat and pressure in club to liquefy (turn into a liquid from a solid). Which of these three phases is air in? (Respond: gas) What near orangish juice? (Answer: liquid) How about the table and chairs in this room? (Answer: solid) Nosotros tin can oft separate the parts of a mixture or solution by trying to change the phase of thing that the mixture or solution is in.

A solution is made of a solute and a solvent. What does that mean? Well, a solute is something that dissolves in a liquid and a solvent is the liquid that something dissolves in. The solute dissolves in the solvent. In a saltwater solution, the salt is the solute and the water is the solvent. Can we separate the common salt and h2o from the saltwater solution? (Yep, the salt can be retrieved by evaporating (heating) the water from a liquid to a gas, leaving but the salt backside.)

How practice nosotros apply mixtures and solutions in our daily lives? Well, nosotros have named a few examples of mixtures and solutions we have in our homes already. How practice engineers utilize mixtures and solutions? Well, engineers use mixtures and solutions in many unlike applications. Call back about the demonstration with the three glasses of water. Environmental engineers use mixtures to learn how to separate oil from water in oil spills. Also the process of making gasoline from crude oil involves separation steps that are based on the properties of mixtures and solutions. Water resource engineers report mixtures and solutions in order to get sand, salt and chemicals out of water so it can be used for drinking and cleaning. Biomedical engineers fifty-fifty use mixtures and solutions to develop new medicines.

Lesson Background and Concepts for Teachers

Mixtures vs. Solutions

When ii or more kinds of thing are put together it is called a mixture. Mixtures can be made with solids, liquids or gases. Any combination will result in a mixture. Once made, mixtures can be separated using mechanical, screening or filtering processes. The components of a mixture are not changed when mixed with other materials. Yet, sometimes when two or more materials are mixed, a special kind of mixture is formed. For example, when you mix table salt and h2o, the solid (salt) seems to disappear in the water. This procedure is called dissolving, and will form a solution. When a solid is dissolved in a liquid, we call the liquid a solvent and the solid is chosen the solute.

Like a mixture, solutions can be separated into its original components. Nonetheless, unlike mixtures, solutions can exist separated past evaporation. For case: the h2o and common salt solution volition evaporate as the solution is heated. The water will change from liquid to gas every bit the water-salt solution begins to boil, leaving merely the salt behind. Nearly solutions are made by mixing a solid and a liquid. Mixing affair in other states can also brand solutions. For example, air is a solution resulting from the mixing of several gases.

Associated Activities

  • Messin' with Mixtures - Students investigate a heterogeneous mixture as environmental engineers analyzing a soil sample, using trail mix.

    Picket this activity on YouTube

Lesson Closure

Who can tell us one departure between a mixture and a solution? Well, a mixture is made up of ii or more kinds of matter but sometimes y'all can still see the unlike components, like sand and water. In a mixture, all the different parts retain their original backdrop. A solution is a special type of mixture that is homogeneous, where you cannot tell the departure between the components. A solution is as well a special type of mixture that cannot exist separated via mechanical ways – filtering, screening, etc. In almost cases, a solution has dissimilar properties than the two or more than parts that went into making information technology.

Can yous split out the parts of a mixture or solution? Yes, you can! Oftentimes, you lot can split a mixture past using a filter or screen. Y'all tin can too try and change the phase of matter that the mixture or solution is in. Who can name the iii phases of matter that we are referring to? (Answer: solid, liquid and gas.) An example of separating a solution using the phases of matter is evaporating the h2o from a saltwater solution. This is where we heat the liquid water into a gas, leaving simply the salt backside.

Engineers are always designing and experimenting with new means of separating mixtures and solutions based on their properties. They are also always working on making solutions and mixtures. Would y'all want to drink milk if information technology was chunky? (Expect students to say no.) Milk is usually a solution but after a while begins to divide into a heterogeneous mixture. The properties of mixtures and solutions are very important to chemical engineers. These engineers need to know what chemicals are safe to mix with foods when designing fertilizers and preservative to go on food salubrious for us to eat and drink. Equally we discussed earlier, engineers also use knowledge of mixtures and solutions when designing h2o treatment processes, ways to assistance the surround, and new medicines to help people.


concentration: Ratio of solute to solvent: the corporeality of material dissolved in a measure of liquid; the more material dissolved in the liquid, the more concentrated the solution.

dilute: To make a solution less concentrated, usually by adding more liquid.

dissolving: Procedure when two or more materials are mixed and i seems to disappear.

evaporation: A change from a liquid state into a vapor (a solid into a vapor is chosen sublimation); the removal of moisture or liquid.

heterogenous: Consisting of diverse or mixed ingredients

homogenous: Of uniform structure or composition throughout.

mixture: When two or more kinds of thing are put together.

saturation: A solution that has reached its maximum concentration.

solute: The solid, liquid, or gas that dissolves in the liquid of a solution. The common salt is the solute in a salt-water solution.

solution: A homogenous mixture formed by the dissolution of a liquid, solid or gas in a liquid.

solvent: The liquid in which the solute disappears. The water is the solvent in a salt-h2o solution.

volume: The 3-dimensional space occupied by something.


Pre-Lesson Assessment

Brainstorming: As a class, take students engage in open word. Remind students that in brainstorming, no thought or suggestion is "dizzy." All ideas should be respectfully heard. Take an uncritical position, encourage wild ideas and discourage criticism of ideas. Have them raise their easily to respond. Write their ideas on the board. Enquire:

  • What are some common solutions or mixtures that yous know of? (Possible answers: Powdered lemonade, Kool-Help®, powdered iced tea, chocolate milk, gasoline, household cleaners, etc.)

Mail service-Introduction Assessment

Brainstorming Categories: Revisit the brainstormed listing of mixtures and solutions from the Pre-Lesson Assessment. Have the students categorize the list into those which are mixtures and those which are solutions?

During Demo Predictions: While performing the introduction demonstration, ask students what volition happen when you add the various other items to the glasses of h2o. Will y'all create solutions or mixtures?

Lesson Summary Assessment

Concept Juggle: Have students stand in a circle and toss the ball to each other. Each time they toss the brawl, have them name a mixture. One round can be "Proper noun a Mixture," the next round can be "Proper name a Solution," etc.

Engineering/Writing Application: Take students human action equally nutrient engineers or biomedical engineers and write a short paragraph explaining why they need to know about mixtures and solutions in creating new food products or medicines.

Bingo: Provide each pupil with a sheet of newspaper to depict a big tic-tac-toe lath (a three x 3 filigree with 9 squares) that fills the unabridged paper. Have the students write a lesson vocabulary term in each square (Utilise the following terms: mixture, solution, solvent, solute, heterogeneous, homogeneous, solid, liquid, gas). Side by side, accept each pupil walk around the room and notice a pupil who can define one vocabulary term and write the definition in the box with that term. Students must observe a different student for each term. When a student has all terms completed, they can shout "Bingo!" Go along until two or three students have bingo. Ask the students who shouted "Bingo!" to give definitions of the vocabulary terms.

Lesson Extension Activities

Have students create a listing of mixtures and solutions they observe effectually their homes or the school.


© 2006 by Regents of the Academy of Colorado


Brian Kay; Daria Kotys-Schwartz; Malinda Schaefer Zarske; Janet Yowell

Supporting Program

Integrated Pedagogy and Learning Program, College of Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder


The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under grants from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education, and National Scientific discipline Foundation (GK-12 grant no 0338326). However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Education or National Scientific discipline Foundation, and you should non presume endorsement by the federal regime.

Last modified: March 2, 2022


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